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Friday 15 July 2011

E: HED is boring

So being sat in system ratting all the time is quite boring and with the lack of reds in the region i decided to head on up to HED to look for some action. With some corpies already up there, namely vendetta and G genetic, ment that i wouldnt be bored sat there on gate and would atleast have some company =D

So i needed a ship for this escapade, i dcecided that a sniper munnin would be the best bet. with resonable alpha and fair amount of range means that i can stay outa range from the stuff that comes through the gates whilst still killing stuff. unfortunatly for me, there was a very large shortage of reds or neuts there. so in the end after a fair few hours being in system i killed one chetah.

with all them Bp's in its hold it was a nice kill, just a shame that they ALL got destroyed. which is typical eve to be honest.
So decided that unless theres alot of activeity HED is very boring although easy to kill small stuff, so can get kills but is it worth it? would probably get more kills in low sec imo.

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